Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) are university-trained experts in food, nutrition, and dietetics, grounded in evidence-based practice. Their expertise is supported by rigorous research, enabling them to provide accurate guidance on managing nutrition for individual health needs. APDs work in hospitals worldwide, where their advice is vital to managing diet-disease relationships, such as reducing the risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. By tailoring nutrition advice to evidence-based standards, dietitians play a key role in helping people maintain optimal health and prevent disease.

There are a wide range of reasons that may lead to individuals seeking the expertise and support of a dietitian. Some typical reasons why someone might be referred or choose to see a dietitian include:
Weight and Body Composition Management
Gut Health (IBS/ Chron's/ Coeliac/ Diverticular Disease)
Sports Nutrition
Diabetes (Type 1, Type 2, Insulin Resistance, Gestational Diabetes)
Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Nutrition
Hormone Nutrition, PCOS and Metabolism
Anti- Inflammatory Nutrition
Why Should I See A Dietitian?

Clinical Dietitian
Having completed a Masters Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Sydney and also working at one of Sydney's largest and leading Hospital, Annalise is committed to empowering her patients through evidence based practices.
Annalise consults from our North Sydney Clinic as well as our Taren Point Clinic. Telehealth is also available if you are unable to attend either clinic. To schedule call (02) 8526 4000
Bachelor of Medical Science
University Of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Masters of Nutrition & Dietetics
The University of Sydney
Member of the Dietitian Association of Australia