An elbow dislocation occurs when the upper arm bone (humerus) is forced out of the joint socket (ulna and radius bones) in the elbow. This injury can be caused by a fall, a direct blow to the arm, or a sudden twist of the arm. Elbow dislocations are considered serious injuries and require immediate medical attention.

Symptoms of an elbow dislocation may include:
Severe pain in the elbow
Swelling and bruising in the arm
Difficulty moving the arm
Deformity in the arm (the arm may look out of place)
Treatment for an elbow dislocation typically involves realigning the bones and immobilizing the arm in a cast or splint. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair any damage to the bones or ligaments. Once the elbow has been stabilised, physiotherapy can play a key role in the recovery process.
How Physiotherapy Can Help with Elbow Dislocations
Physiotherapy is a form of rehabilitation that involves exercises and techniques to help reduce pain, improve strength and flexibility, and promote healing. Here's how physiotherapy can help with elbow dislocations:
Pain Management: Our physiotherapists can help manage the pain caused by an elbow dislocation by using techniques such as heat therapy, ice therapy, and soft tissue massage. These techniques can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing, while also providing relief from pain and discomfort.
Range of Motion Exercises: Once the elbow has been stabilised, our physiotherapists can begin to work on restoring range of motion in the joint. Gentle exercises and stretches can help to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness in the arm.
Strength Training: our physiotherapists can prescribe specific exercises to help strengthen the muscles in the arm and elbow. These exercises can help to improve stability in the joint and prevent future injury.
Education: our physiotherapists can provide patients with important information about elbow dislocations, including how to properly care for the injured arm and how to avoid activities that may worsen symptoms. They can also provide advice on ergonomics, posture, and other lifestyle modifications that can help to prevent the condition from recurring.
Elbow dislocations are serious injuries that require prompt medical attention and proper rehabilitation. Physiotherapy can play a key role in the recovery process, helping patients manage pain, improve range of motion and strength, and prevent future injury. If you have suffered an elbow dislocation, book in a session with one of our qualified physiotherapists who can develop a personalised treatment plan to meet your specific needs and help you get back to your daily activities as quickly and safely as possible.